Abstract Summary/Description
Identity Strategies of First-Generation Igbo Americans: Cultural Continuity and Empowerment First-generation Igbo Americans holds a distinct cultural identity because of their parents who are of Igbo origin. This makes it unique as they balance their familial heritage with that of America where they were born. This research explores how these first-generation Igbo Americans preserve and maintain their Igbo heritage while they also live the American life. Through an ethnographic approach which include, participant observation, cultural analysis, and oral interviews, this research investigates the various creative ways that these first-generation Igbo Americans promote and build resilient and empowered communities. Results of the cultural analysis, oral interviews, and participants observation reveals that these first-generation Igbo Americans use community engagement and cultural education to adapt to the Igbo culture. These activities continue to increase their cultural knowledge, belonging and pride thus empowering them to the larger Igbo diasporic communities and encourage multi-age connections. This research adds to the existing historiography on cultural preservation between first-generation diasporas.