Movements in the Key of Kris

This abstract has open access
Abstract Summary/Description
Movements in the Key of Kris is an immersive, multimodal art exhibit that explores the intricate landscapes of identity structured as a four-movement symphony. Drawing on themes of self-discovery, mental health, neurodivergence, and self-integration, the project delves into the layered experiences of a queer, Black, neurodivergent woman. Each movement represents a chapter in a complex journey, blending sound, visual art, interactive elements, and storytelling to embody the unique, often conflicting paths toward self-acceptance and empowerment. The musical score features curated playlists designed with intentional dissonance, rhythmic variation, and layered harmonics to evoke emotional complexities and fluctuations often experienced by those navigating mental health and neurodivergent journeys. Visual installations within the exhibit mirror these musical elements through shifting lights, colors, and textures, using synesthetic principles to invite audiences into a multi-sensory experience. Visitors will be encouraged to explore each movement through interactive installations, storytelling, and guided reflection, making the journey not just solely through observation but cultivating personal resonance and empathy. The project not only serves as an artistic representation of individual and collective identity struggles but also functions as a community space for fostering discussions on mental health, neurodiversity, race, and gender. This exhibit seeks to expand discourses around identity by embracing its inherent complexities, inviting audiences into the conversation through creative engagement and expressions.
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